Hiking The Pacific Crest Trail: Day 22

Our cozy camping spot by the Silverwood Lake

This has been so far our favorite part. Why? We got spoiled and got to S-W-I-M 3 days in a row!!! Going from carrying water purely for our survival to having such abundance of it that we can actually go for a swim has been such a treat. Our first night it was a small swim hole in a creek. We arrived to our camp about 40 minutes before sunset and without wasting any time jumped in for a swim.

The following day was the greatest day ever. There was a natural hot spring right on the trail! Apparently not even many locals know about that place because it is pretty remote and requires some hiking to get to. It was a hot spring flowing into the a cold river. We were able to jump between the hot and cold water and create contrast temperature fluctuations which were so healing for our sore joints. Needless to say, our feet felt amazing the following day. I can also cross off my bucket list – watching the stars in hot spring all el naturál.

After leaving our hot sprigs paradise, we were back on trail going through South California’s beautiful terrain, exploring new places and meeting new people!

Camping by the Silverwood Lake

On our last swimming day we came upon a lake where we set our camp right on the beach. I woke up from sun warming up our tent and cows mooing in the distance 🙂 Today we will reach the Cajon Pass where we will pickup our resupply package and get our belly’s by eating junk-food at McDonald’s!