Poas Volcano National Park

Poas Volcano
If you do your research, you know that the best time to come to this volcano is first thing in the morning when the park opens and there is a bigger chance of not having any clouds. When we have arrived in the morning, unfortunately we could not see anything as a heavy cloud was hanging over us, so it looked like we were standing in fog. Again, because we were on our own schedule, we decided to take a short hike over to the Botos Lake, which takes about 1 hour round trip of leisurely walking.
When we returned to the crater, we were so pleased to see the clouds had cleared and the beautiful turquoise lake could be seen at the bottom with a stream of smoke coming out of it (a sign of an active volcano!). We were so glad that we gave the weather some time. We spent about 30 minutes taking photos, and clouds just kept on rolling in and out. We witnessed many tour buses, which were on a tight schedule, pull up right at the time of when a cloud was covering the crater, allowing for 15min of foggy picture time and then ushering disappointed tourists back on the bus.