Northern California terrain by any means is not flat. Even though we are out of Sierras, we still have to climb hills every day. Especially if we go into towns which are situated at much lower elevations, so we have to drastically drop and gain elevation each time we get into a town. For example, just a few days ago we were hiking out of town and had a 3,000ft vertical climb just over a few miles. Coming out of Belden our climb was 4500 feet.
During this stretch we have hit our halfway point on PCT. It’s hard to believe that we are halfway done and even more so the fact that it took us 3 months and we only have another 2 months to complete the other half.

Boiling Springs – you could see the hot vapor raising off water
Passing by on our way was Drakesbad Guest Ranch, situated in the heart of the Park. Although this Ranch is very small, it is typically booked all through the summer. Serge and I were very curious as we haven’t heard of such places back on the east coast. As a visitor, you get to stay at one of the private cabins, all meals are included and they even pack you your own lunch if you decide to go on a hike and explore the park. The ranch had a natural hot springs fed pool where they allowed PCT hikers to go for a dip (everyone must shower first before entering the pool).